A 60-day Wellness Journey


This retreat is for anyone who is at a point in their life where they are asking, “Is this all there is?” or "What is the point?”  Someone who is a searching for a sense of fulfillment and has unease with their life, body image, career or  relationships.  You desperately know deep down in your bones that a vacation or a wellness retreat is just what you need, but can never find the time nor the money to break away. This is literally a wellness journey without distance. My Life Retreat is your guide to transforming your life in 10 days, at home! Then take the entire 60 day journey to put it all into action…

The promise of the My Life Retreat is if you spend 10 days dedicating yourself to 7 areas of intention, you WILL be transformed. The 7 areas of intention are Meditation, Exercise, Mindful Eating, Self-Care, Rest and Sleep, Reflection & Contemplation, and Kindness & Gratitude. You will be guided through the 7 intentions, track your intentions with a 24-point system, and create a journal that will simultaneously capture and release all the barriers that keep you feeling stuck. Not only will you be transformed, you will forever more chart your own path to maximal soul growth. 

So, what about the other 50 days? Living a vibrant and healthy life means eating mindfully to prevent illness, moderating your alcohol consumption and minimizing the visceral fat in the mid-section that naturally comes with age.  So the 2nd part of the journey entails signing up for a healthful eating program (like Weight Watchers) for a total of 8 weeks (actually it starts Day 1, not 11). Basically, we first set a foundation of inner peace and purpose in the My Life Retreat where you begin to create whatever your heart desires. Then in Part 2, we extend this spirit of wellness to your physical body. With a newfound spirit and strong emotional constitution, you’re eating goals will suddenly be a cinch. 

The 3rd and final component will be weekly Transformation Coaching Talks that will focus on each of the 7 areas of intention and anything else you want to talk about. This is your support. You can stay anonymous during the Talks, or you can ask the questions and make comments that everyone else is afraid to ask. In either case, you will know that you are part of a tribe that is desperately seeking to live the best version of themselves. You will be reminded that you are not alone, and that you already have everything you need within you. 

This journey starts May 1st and I’m looking for a tribe of Wellness Seekers to take the journey with me.  Imagine, by starting May 1st you will expose your healthier self by July 4th!  Look forward to an entire summer of good weather, feeling good and looking good.  Sign me up! 

This journey will be formally offered in September (to get healthy BEFORE for the holidays) and is valued at $1,300.  Because this is the Beta program, the May Journey will cost participants less than $100.  I need 20 people who are ready to make a change and commit to 60 Days of Wellness, and who will agree to provide reviews and (possibly video) testimonials at the conclusion. May Journey closes to new members on April 19th, so click here to sign up now and receive more information. 

Who am I? What do I want? What is my purpose? What am I grateful for? 

Take 8 weeks to get at these questions.  Ready?  Let’s go…

UGottaEat…so eat mindfully.

Feeding you mind, body and spirit.