UGottaEat Personal Chef Service

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Can You Really Have It All?

A week before graduating from Business School (SBI--go Rattlers!), the assistant dean stopped me and said, “Look at you. The world is your oyster, isn’t it?”  I had never heard that expression before but I instantly knew what it meant.  Apparently I had a glow about me.  I was about to graduate with an MBA and go out into the real world. I was sooo excited!  I was a pearl and the world was my oyster. I heard Michael Bernard Beckwith say, “What would you do if you knew God was really FOR you?... That you could not fail.”  You may have detours, but what choices would you make if you didn’t give up?  That’s deep. Think on that for a minute.

So what does that have to do with Whole Food August?  Well, I’m more than halfway through the month, and the law of attraction is at work.  This healthy eating has me feeling great. My skin is supple; I’m sleeping like a baby. Since I’m being honest, I reversed some decisions in that gray area that weren't in my best integrity. It’s been difficult, but I’m feeling really, really good about it.  I’m just spreading love and happiness everywhere I go.  It’s sickening actually. :) As a result, the universe has sent some amazing new business connections, a new job for my husband that is going to unleash his extraordinary culinary talents, and transitioned my kids safely into a new phase of their own adulthood.  Life is good.

With all this said, my clothes are still tight.  I’m going to be honest…I can’t friggin’ believe this crap! I did lose 1 pound this week.  I wasn’t going to get on the scale, but a friend put out a program to lose 20 lbs for the last 20 weeks of this year (a healthy and safe 1 pound per week) and I think it’s another great motivation.

Anyhoo, I started to think, can you really have it all?  Everything else is going great, but my weight.  Now, would I trade these positive things for 15 pounds if I could? It’s a valid question.  No, I wouldn’t trade because I don’t have to.  I have decided (with my clear mind and healthy skinned-self) that I CAN have everything.  Just at different times.  The world is FOR me. The law of attraction is at work.  Fitting my clothes is on the list and the universe will get to it right after I have great health, my kids and husband are safe and happy, and my purpose is manifested.  Yes, I’d say the order of priority is correct.

The world is YOUR oyster too!

Keep eating for your overall well-being and happiness.  God’s timing is perfect.

UGottaEat…So Eat Mindfully.

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord.”  Psalms 23:5-6