We Belong Together


I am spending an incredible 2 ½ weeks in China, tagging along on my husband, Chef Craig’s, global culinary business trip.  I originally was not going because of the expense, the logistics and quite frankly the time away from my own uncertain business projects. 

But because the Universe is kind and God is merciful, I was gifted this once in a lifetime trip.  My airfare miraculously covered itself. God whispered to me in the language of spirit… “Go Tonya.  Live purposefully and let go.  Remember, there are only 2 emotions, fear, and love.  Always choose out of Love.”  And so I entrusted my team with the business details and stopped worrying.  I pursued my only purpose… to be an expression of the divine and live in faithfulness.  

My mother always worries when I travel abroad.  Even with all the ‘local’ terrorism in the US, i.e. the shootings in schools, night clubs and in public places; with churches being bombed and racism being shamelessly embraced by the political elite, she still worries when I leave the country.  What I know for sure is that life is uncertain and is to be lived in the moment.  Fear is a box. [Revisit Evan’s Why Worry Blog]  

“Why do you live in prison when the door is wide open?” - Rumi

Chef Craig’s work trip took a long layover through Beijing, but not quite long enough to see the Great Wall of China.  This is one of the World’s 7 Wonders. An architectural miracle. How could I come all the way to China and not see it? The work team said it couldn’t be done on their itinerary.  Good thing I work for myself (thank you again, Lord!). And so I put on my big girl pants, extended my arrangements for an extra day in Beijing, and using the very last of my points, booked a day-long tour.  Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City (where emperors lived during dynasty rule), and yessssss….The Great Wall of China was now on my itinerary. And I did it alone.  No, my mom does not know about this! ☺

It did not take more than a few minutes to find my tribe…3 white men--Michael and Morgan from Australia, the German Simon, and me, the lone African American woman.  Everyone was friendly and equally excited. The day was hot and humid. The hiking was fierce with steep grades and steps. We were soaked through wet with sweat. We helped each other, familiar with each other now by name and waited for one another.  These great guys helped me navigate steep places where vertigo made me dizzy. We took pics for one another and enjoyed the amazing vistas and the wonder of the wall itself. Together we conquered a small piece of the Great Wall that spans over 13,000 miles (yes miles) built over 2000 years ago! Then Michael bought us round of ice-cold beers at $13 each at the end of the excursion to celebrate.  Fantastical! Finally, we each went on our own way.


What China taught me is this…I truly am a citizen of the world, and I am never alone.  I belong. We all belong together. Life just opened up even more. I am many.

Love & Light,


Discovering wellness through purpose.