UGottaEat Personal Chef Service

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A Birthday Gift for YOU!  

I’m just going to start by saying in case you have forgotten that it is my birthday!!! By the time you read this, it is Day 2 of my celebration. Yes, I’m a Leap baby February 29th, so on years it does not come, I get well wishes on both days. I love it. Makes me feel special AND I’m so excited that I just completed the training, passed the exam and I am officially a Certified Health & Wellness Coach! So my gift to you is….

I am your Wellness Coach! I’m happy I have the cert, but really it is for other people. I’ve been softly coaching and inspiring, but now I have the education and credentials to really back it up and go hard. I can actually help people start living their healthiest and happiest life now! It is draining to be around negative, unhealthy people, and you don’t want to be that person. Everyone is ultimately seeking health and happiness for themselves and in relationship to others. This is what I am passionate about. I’ve survived enough tragedies, weight challenges and health scares to coach on living a higher consciousness life without taking a class, but now I have the science and training to inspire a 360-degree approach to living life limitlessly. 

My conversation the last few years has been about eating mindfully, raising your spirit and awareness and living a happy life with vitality. Amazingly, this Health Coach Certification naturally lets me bring everything I am already passionate about together under a structured, well researched and proven L.E.A.N. approach--Lifestyle. Exercise, Attitude and Nutrition. It is as if God said, "Tonya you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.  Here is the structure. Use your passion, brains and wit and go make a difference in the world where everyone strives for and achieves wellbeing for themselves and their families.” I help people understand how to nurture the body to achieve alignment with the desires of their spirit. I can’t tell you how excited I am. 

Growing up I wanted to be a Pediatrician until in high school I graduated from dissecting a frog (which was no problem) to a fetal pig. I was not down with that. I clearly was not going to survive years of medical school with that attitude. The science was cool, the cutting and pinning was not. So I went and got the ever-reliable Accounting degree. I found a job to make enough money to live the lifestyle I wanted to have. Which meant I had to go on and get an MBA too. LOL! But back then if you were lucky enough to have parents that expected you to go to college, that meant something like an engineer, lawyer, doctor, accountant, post office worker or secretary. I don’t think I even knew of any other white-collar careers.

Now I feel like I’ve come full circle and I am what I was always called to be. A Wellness Lifestyle Health Coach. This didn’t even exist then, but because the Universe is kind, when you follow your bliss, life self-corrects, and you end up where you were always supposed to be.  

So, Happy Birthday to YOU! If you’ve ever played a sport, had a therapist or even a best friend then you know the role of a coach. I will hold your confidence, motivate and inspire you to get to mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing that you seek. I will help you understand the rules, design the plays, and call them with you at the right time.

I am scheduling now for Wellness Coaching in April in person and on-line. Video sessions for individuals, groups and companies so it does not matter where you are. Click the link here and complete the form for more information so we can design the perfect LEAN program for you to start living your best life now. Clients who sign up in March will receive discounts up to 30%. 

Be Well!

“When you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you to get it.”

–Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

 UGottaEat…so eat mindfully.

Feeding your mind, body and spirit.